Hi, friends!

My name is Kayla

I am the face and creator behind all things It's Honey Done! Now, I'm going to be completely honest with you - I NEVER thought I'd be here... I went to the University of Michigan (Go, Blue!) and then earned my Master's Degree before working for six years as a psychiatric social worker. The stressful demands of that job led to me turning to home DIY projects as an outlet and I became so passionate about learning these new skills. As my projects got better my confidence grew stronger, and I couldn't look anywhere in our house without thinking about all the projects I wanted to try! I created It's Honey Done to build a space where I could share those projects and empower you to feel confident and capable of trying new things yourself! Again, this wasn't the plan I had for my life, but it's never too late to rewrite your plan. Because this, right here with you, is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I've never been so fulfilled or more passionate about anything in my professional life and I'm so grateful that you've decided to be part of it all!

Following along with me on my different social platforms you'll find that I share home DIY projects, life with my family, and a little bit of everything in between! You'll quickly get to know my super hot husband, Griffin, and our two young babies - our son Riley and our daughter Blake. We have an average home with an average budget and are doing our best to create a life that feels ABOVE average. We're a real family with real problems but our home is filled with SO much love and I hope the time you share with us makes a positive impact on your day and life!

It's not lost on me that life is crazy and we all need a few more hours in the day, so I'm especially grateful when you choose to spend a few minutes of your time with me. It's such a privilege being able to connect with you and I hope you'll find my little corner of the internet empowering. So please come say hi, because I can't wait to meet you! And if social media isn't your thing, I hope you'll sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter so we can stay connected in your inbox! 


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I (accidentally) gave birth to our daughter at home... It was the ultimate DIY and you can read all about it here!

Fun Facts:

My husband and I took 17 different flights during our extended honeymoon and traveled throughout Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

I am a certified scuba diver. 

I have a master's degree in social work and worked as a psychiatric social worker prior to creating It's Honey Done.

I surprised my husband and chopped my hair in the middle of our wedding for a fun new look!